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The '''colour scheme of the arms''' is the one of Flanders Ancien and West-Flanders. This shows the attachment of the armiger to this region as well as his distant connection to [,_Count_of_Flanders Baldwin VI], Count of Flanders and Hainaut.<br>
The '''tincture of the field''' stands for the viola flower, the armiger's favourite flower and a symbol of remembrance and
religious knowledge. Also it alludes to the calm water on the shores of the North Sea and, to a lesser extent, the flax flower, the national flower of Flanders. AzurAzure was also chosen in reference to [ Tekhelet], the holy colour from which the garments of the high priest and the tapestries in the Tabernacle are made.<br>
The '''horns''' are Canting for his name, Isaac, as well as his alias “Vlaanderram”, the Flemish ram. It also references the Binding of Isaac ''(Genesis 22:13)'' itself a symbol of both selfless sacrifice and religious zeal creating a paradox that appeals to the armiger. The horn is a ambiguous figure, to the armiger these are the horns of the ram Abraham sacrifices instead of his son, the arms medieval iconography attributed to Moses on mount Sinaï but hey are also the symbol of bestial impulses, an animal with horns is always perceived as more fierce than one without, showing humanity's inherent bestial nature and a certain primitivism that, paradoxically enough, appears needed to enact progress, therefore inviting the armiger to take a step back and trust is instinct as an extension of his reason. The horn is also a symbol of the Shofar blown on [ Rosh H'odesh], symbolising the importance of the lunar cycle in the armiger's own mythology.<br>
The '''bend counter-compony''' stands for Samson’s riddle “Out of the eater came something to eat, and out of the strong came something sweet.” ''(Judges 14:14)''. The gules for the blood of the lion (which is also a symbol of Flanders) and the gold for the honey (the bees are a symbol of fellowship). The choice of counter-compony also alludes to the armiger's willingness to step out of social norms; indeed, stripes in the middle ages were the symbol of outcasts (prostitutes, butcher, religious minorities), the division of the compony therefore evokes a ripped piece of stripped fabric as a liberation from an oppressive social status. Said counter-compony is also a symbol of his passion for strategy games such as chess. <br>