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Welcome to The Heraldry Community Roll of Arms!

To All and Singular to whom these presents shall come, we of The Heraldry Community send greeting!


The Roll of Arms is a non-profit initiative from The Heraldry Community. Its aim is to provide a free register for anyone who wishes to give an online presence to their coat of arms. Anyone interested in registering their own arms on the roll is welcome to join.

Why register your arms with us?

Armorial Bearings play an important part in the records of an individual. Because heraldry represents a particular person, it becomes a mirror of his personality and history. Therefore, it is only fitting to register arms in order to make your design easily accessible and thus prevent anyone from using your design in bad faith.

About the Name

Historically, a roll of arms (or armorial) was a collection of painted pictures of the shields (escutcheons, also known as "coats of arms") representing visually the blazons (formal descriptions of the arms) of persons who had been given a grant of arms. This Roll of Arms has been created in that spirit, as a venue for displaying the armorial achievements of individuals and organizations that have either been granted or have assumed arms as a form of personal identification in keeping with the traditions of heraldry.


The Heraldry Community is not an official registrar of arms and is not affiliated with any governmental or other entity that has legal authority to grant or register armorial bearings.

The Heraldry Community on Social Media

Heraldry on Reddit

The Heraldry Community Discord Server

The Heraldry Community Roll of Arms Discord Server

The Heraldry Community on Twitter