
Revision as of 12:38, 28 August 2023 by Dilan Nunes (talk | contribs) (Example 1)
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Blank syntax

{{ armbox
| name            = <!-- Real name or pseudonym primarily associated with the armiger. -->
| image           = <!-- Name of the coat of arms image file (IE: GreiiN000.png) -->
| alt             = <!-- Alt text for the image. -->
| attribution     = <!-- Attribution for image. Username or name, or self if the emblazon is armiger's own. -->
| year_adopted    = <!-- The year the arms were personally adopted. -->
| country         = <!-- Country of origin for the armiger. -->
| tradition       = <!-- Heraldic tradition which the arms follow. -->
| issuer          = <!-- The formal organization which issued the arms (if they have been formally issued). -->
| year_issued     = <!-- Year the arms were formally issued. -->
| external_links  = <!-- Any links to external galleries or other places to view the arms. -->
| discord         = <!-- Discord username of the armiger. Include the @ code. -->
| twitter         = <!-- Twitter username of the armiger. Do not include the @ at the beginning. -->
| instagram       = <!-- Instagram username of the armiger. Do not include the @ at the beginning. -->
| reddit          = <!-- Reddit username of the armiger. Do not include the /u/ at the beginning. -->
| other_aliases   = <!-- Other aliases that the armiger is known by. -->
| notes           =

Example 1

The Heraldry Community
Coat of arms of Template:Armbox/doc
Emblazoned by Jacob Klausmeier
Country of OriginWorld
TraditionBroad European heraldry
External LinksSubreddit
Aliases @heraldry
Discord Heraldry
The Heraldry Community is not an individual, but rather a community of armigers and heraldry enthusiasts.
| image           = -r-Heraldry.png
| alt             = Coat of arms of The Heraldry Community
| attribution     = Ozycaevias
| name            = The Heraldry Community
| year_adopted    = 2017
| country         = World
| tradition       = Broad European
| external_links  = [https://www.reddit.com/r/heraldry/ Subreddit]
| discord         = Heraldry#0000
| twitter         = arm_yourselves
| instagram       = arm_yourselves
| other_aliases   = Discord Heraldry
| notes           = The Heraldry Community is not an individual, but rather a community of armigers and heraldry enthusiasts.